Full video is 12'22"

Sisters is an episode from the series Armed and Dangerous directed by Anna Scherbyna and Valentina Petrova.

Members of the Sisterhood of St. Maria of Egypt are struggling for unequal rights and dyeing their nails. In a world full of wandering, temptations, and perversions, their duty is to withstand in a duel with deviant marginals, or otherwise - painfully lose and replenish the colony of “human garbage”. Can these beautiful and brave women who have never wear a pants, save their traditional family values from the threats of the outside world? You will find an answer by watching their adventures.

Armed and Dangerous is a platform bringing together a group of artists who work at the intersection of contemporary art and experimental cinema. The video-series explores the militarisation of society and, in particular, the attitude of the Ukrainian youth to violence and weapons by experimenting with video. The images attempt to reflect the fragile condition of Ukrainian society, which is undergoing external military intervention in the East whilst also experiencing internal disruptions caused by the ultra-right movement.

Sisters is devoted to the female’s anti-feminist conservative movement Sisterhood of St. Olha, which denies the concept of Gender, postulates the patriarchal structure of society and struggles for the abolition of the right to vote for women. But things aren't as simple as they might seem. It’s hard not to see the desire for emancipation and power in Oleksandra’s actions, the leader of the movement, hidden and suppressed behind her puritan humble face. ”Sisiters” aims to analyze and reflect on the image of the image of anti-feminist activist and show it in experimental video format.


Учасниці Сестринства Марії Єгипетської борються за нерівні права і фарбують нігті. У світі, сповненому поневірянь, спокус та збочень, їх обов'язок - вистояти двобій із девіантними маргіналами, або ж болісно програти, поповнивши колонію “людських покидьків”. Чи можуть ці прекрасні та відважні жінки, які жодного разу не одягнули штани, врятувати традиційні сімейні цінності від загроз зовнішнього світу? Ви знайдете відповідь, стежачи  за їх пригодами.